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作者:   时间:2021-06-22   点击数:





2006-092010-07, 青岛农业大学, 制药工程, 学士

2010-092013-07, 中国农业科学院, 作物遗传育种, 硕士

2013-092016-07, 中国农业科学院, 生物化学与分子生物学,博士






1. Ruijuan Yang#, Wenwen Liu#, Ying Sun , Zhichao Sun , Zhenying Wu, Yamei Wang, Mengqi Wang, Honglun Wang, Shiqie Bai, Chunxiang Fu.LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE, one novel target gene of Squamosa Promoter Binding Protein-like 2, regulates tillering in switchgrass. New Phytologist, 2022, 10.1111/nph.18140.

2. Ruijuan Yang, Zhenying Wu, Chen Bai, Zhichao Sun, Mengqi Wang, Yuzhu Huo, Hailing Zhang, Yamei Wang, Huapeng Zhou, Shaojun Dai, Wenwen Liu*, Chunxiang Fu*. Overexpression of PvWOX3a in switchgrass promotes stem development and increases plant height. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8(1): 252.

3. Yamei Wang#, Wenwen Liu#, Xinwei Wang, Ruijuan Yang, Zhenying Wu, Han Wang, Lei Wang, Zhubing Hu, Siyi guo, Hailing Zhang, Jinxing Lin and Chunxiang Fu. MiR156 regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis through SPL targets and other microRNAs in poplar. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7:118.

4. Wenwen Liu, Qing Sun, Kai Wang, Qingguo Du, Wen-Xue Li. Nitrogen Limitation Adaptation (NLA) is involved in source-to-sink remobilization of nitrate by mediating the degradation of NRT1.7 in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 2017, 214.2: 734-744.

5. Wenwen Liu, Huanhuan Tai, Songsong Li, Wei Gao, Meng Zhao, Chuanxiao Xie, Wen-Xue L. bHLH122 is important for drought and osmotic stress resistance in Arabidopsis and in the repression of ABA catabolism. New Phytologist, 2014, 201(4):1192-1204.

6. Wenwen Liu#, Wei Gao#, Meng Zhao, Wen-Xue Li. NERF encodes a RING E3 ligase important for drought resistance and enhances the expression of its antisense gene NFYA5 in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, 43(1):607-617.

7. Siyi Zhao#, Yanqiao Zhu#, Wenwen Liu#, Xiaoshan Wang, Han Wang, Yingping Cao, Fei Chen, Longxing Hu, Lixia Gong, Xiaoshan Wang, Chunxiang Fu*, Zhifei Zhang*. Exogenous Proanthocyanidins Improve Tolerance of Cu-Toxicity by Amelioration of Oxidative Damage and Re-programming of Gene Expression in Medicago sativa. PLoS ONE, 2021;16(10):e0259100.

8. Yafei Wang, Wenwen Liu, Hongqiu Wang, Qingguo Du, Zhiyuan Fu, Wen-Xue Li, Jihua Tang. ZmEHD1 Is Required for Kernel Development and Vegetative Growth through Regulating Auxin Homeostasis. Plant Physiology, 2020, 182(3):1467-1480.

9. Qing Sun, Xiaogang Liu, Juan Yang, Wenwen Liu, Qingguo Du, Hongqiu Wang, Chunxiang Fu, Wen-Xue Li. MicroRNA528 Affects Lodging Resistance of Maize by Regulating Lignin Biosynthesis under Nitrogen-Luxury Conditions. Molecular Plant, 2018, 11(6): 806-814.

10. Zetao Bai, Tianxiong Qi, Yuchen Liu, Zhenying Wu, Lichao Ma, Wenwen Liu, Yingping Cao, Yan Bao, Chunxiang Fu. Alteration of Sadenosylhomocysteine levels affects lignin biosynthesis in switchgrass. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(12): 2016-2026.

11. Zhenying Wu, Nengfen Wang, Hiroshi Hisano, Yingping Cao, Fengyan Wu, Wenwen Liu, Yan Bao, ZengYu Wang, Chunxiang Fu. Simultaneous regulation of F5H in COMTRNAi transgenic switchgrass alters effects of COMT suppression on syringyl lignin biosynthesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 17(4): 836-845.


1. Chunxiang Fu; Yamei Wang; Wenwen Liu; Zhenying Wu; Shiqie Bai; Chuanen  Zhou; Ruijuan Yang; Shanshan Jiang; Mengqi Wang; PANICUM VIRGATUM SOSEKI PROTEIN SOK2, CODING GENE AND APPLICATION THEREOF, 2021-2-5, 美国, 1716898

2. 付春祥; 王亚梅; 刘文文; 吴振映; 白史且; 周传恩; 杨瑞娟; 姜珊珊; 王梦琦;植物SOSEKI类蛋白SOK2、编码基因及应用, 2020-11-16, 中国, 202011278349.3.

3. 付春祥; 杨瑞娟; 刘文文; 张晓伟; 曹英萍; 白史且; 周传恩; 吴振映; 王亚梅; 姜珊珊; 植物抗盐蛋白MsVNI1及编码基因和应用. 发明专利, 中国, 202010419731.5.

4. 付春祥; 杨松; 吴振映; 曹英萍; 刘文文; 卢孟柱; 周功克; 一种多抗筛选的杨树多基因遗传转化方法. 发明专利, 中国, 201910793600.0.

       5. 李文学; 刘文文; 邰欢欢; 谢传晓; 拟南芥中的蛋白AtbHLH122及其编码基因在调控植物耐逆性中的应用, 2014-12-31, 中国, 201310289084.0.



2、国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,31701496,柳枝稷miR156-targeted PvSPLs调控木质素合成的分子机制研究,2018-012020-1225万,结题,主持

3、中国博士后委员会与中国科学院,优秀博士后率先行动项目,2016LH00037miR156-targeted PvSPL调控柳枝稷分蘖发育的分子机制研究,2016-082018-0820万元,结题,主持

4、 中国烟草总公司, 烟草基因组计划重大专项项目, 110202001027JY-10), 提高烤烟上部叶开片特性的模块解析及功能基因研究, 2020-01 2021-12, 30万元, 结题, 参与






